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Women's Network Luncheon with Heather Groves
Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 1363


Join us on Wednesday, April 12th for our monthly Women's Network Luncheon at 11:30 AM at Augusta Civic Center. Heather Groves, owner and operator of Cole River Consultants, will be speaking about her career in construction and how she came to own her own consulting firm.

Heather Groves has been using her Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Technology and construction experience since 2007. Working on both the consultant and contractor side to deliver high quality work to her clientele, Heather is passionate about the construction industry and the ever changing technology associated with it. Her thirst for knowledge keeps her driven and constantly learning to ensure she is on the cutting edge. Among her diverse career building opportunities, Heather has also worked with the Maine Department of Transportation for the last ten years. This has given her a very strong foundation in project development and management. As Northeast Region Director for the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), Heather continues to live her passion for the construction industry by volunteering in the non-profit sector to help build tomorrows construction work force and educate others on the long term benefits of choosing the construction industry as a career choice.
Location Augusta Civic Center
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