KVTA is dedicated to promoting youth, junior, and adult tennis at all levels in central Maine.
Mon-Thurs 8a-9p
Fri 8a-8p
Sat 8a-4p
Sun 9a-4p
A-Copi Tennis and Sports is located at 23 Leighton Road, close to the intersection of Rt 202 and US RT 95 at exit 109B. From the exit, turn Right onto Old Winthrop Road from Rt 202 and then left onto Leighton Road. A-Copi is the first large building on the right. Coming up Rt 202 from Winthrop, take a left onto Old Winthrop Road after Charlie's Auto and then left onto Leighton Road. A-Copi is on the Right. See Directions map at www.kvtatennis.org.