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Railroad Square Cinema ~ Groundhog Day
Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 07:30pm
Hits : 3353
Contact 1 207-873-6526

Groundhog day

Is there a better way to celebrate the first sign of Spring (maybe!) than with this charming, truly great recent American masterpiece that’s half hilarious Romantic Comedy, half parable of Enlightenment—in a sparkling new DCP digital print? Bill Murray stars as cynical TV Weatherman Phil, who sets out on assignment for the annual Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Groundhog Day lookout, eyes rolling up in his head in the sort of disgust and contempt he approaches most human beings and endeavors, including his lively new Producer, Rita (Andie MacDowell). He makes it through the dawn ceremony, but then a funny thing happens: a sudden snowstorm leaves him stuck in town for the night—and he wakes up the next morning reliving the day...and, over the course of time, perhaps reaching some sort of enlightenment as he relives it over and over, having the chance, he finally realizes, to perhaps get his life right for the first time in a big way. “Since arriving as a mild success in 1993, Groundhog Day has gradually achieved the status of beloved. The American Film Institute rates it No.34 on its list of all-time funniest movies, and it’s a story that bears frequent repeat viewings”—Michael Booth, Denver Post. PG. 102 Min.

Cost: $9.00

Location Railroad Square Cinema ,17 Railroad Sq., Waterville