Chamber Connections is a quarterly series that focuses on the political environment within the State Capitol. Each program is designed to be a non-partisan, informational presentation that addresses topics that directly and indirectly affect Chamber members. The goal of Chamber Connections is to inform and educate members while encouraging their participation in the political process.
March 20th: Beth Bordowitz, MERIT State of Maine Retirement Investment Trust- What do you need to know? Thank you for joining us!
May 15th: Prashant Mittal, Roux Institute of Technology- Unveiling the Future: Exploring the Impact of AI Thank you for joining us!
August 21st: Peter Gore, Maine Street Solutions- Paid Family Medical Leave View PFML Information Presentation Here.
November 6th: Dajuan Eubanks, Maine Celtics - From the Court to the Community: Leadership that Elevates Thank you for joining us!
Sponsorships are available for the 2024 Chamber Connection series! If you are interested in sponsoring Chamber Connection, please email .
Thank you to our 2024 Chamber Connection Sponsor!