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Gardiner - Dollars to Donuts
Thursday, February 11, 2016, 09:00am - 10:00am
Hits : 2608

Dollars To Donuts Business To Business Discussions

Dollars to Donuts is our monthly round-table for the business community in the Greater Gardiner area. All businesses are welcomed. We have a different topic of discussion each month, often with a
guest to share on the topic. This month, we will focus on best practices in customer service as well as Gardiner Main Streets new secret shopper program available to businesses. Our commitment is that Dollars to Donuts will last no later than 10am so that you can get back to business for the day As time allows, we also always have opportunity for you to share with other businesses about issues you'd like to share.

Location Frostys Donuts, 347 Water St., Gardiner, ME