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SpinOff Joins 'Art By The Kennebec' Show In Richmond
From Saturday, April 02, 2016
To Sunday, April 03, 2016
Hits : 5386
Contact Marilyn Stinson, 737-2611 or

Enterprise Grange #48, at 15 Alexander Reed Road in Richmond will celebrate 'Art by the Kennebec' and 'Art in the Schools' month and look forward to welcoming SpinOff Studio to the event. An exhibit and sale, it will be. Richmond High and Middle Schools and Dresden Elementary will join
painters Jim Decker and Ernest Deraps, drawings by Brian Seigars, and photos by Chris Deraps, J.H. Bellow III and Maine Made Photos. There will be a Bake Sale and chili/soup lunch to benefit the Grange Building fund. Jim has many local scenes and Ernie has paintings of lighthouse up and down the Maine Coast. can show what Ann Hutchins does with a camera in the Baily Island region. For More info contact Marilyn Stinson, 737-2611 or

Location Enterprise Grange #48, at 15 Alexander Reed Road, Richmond
Saturday from 10:00 - 4:00 and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00