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12th Annual Harvest Festival 2016
Saturday, October 01, 2016, 11:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 2439

This is the busiest time of the year in the vineyard as we bring in the harvest. Come see what's involved. Join the picking crew to help harvest the grapes. The growing conditions this season have been ideal, creating a bounty of grapes of excellent quality. We invite you to join us in our harvest.
We hope you can join us!

Maine has a well deserved reputation for producing high quality products and friendly, helpful people. This attitude is well represented in the farming community. Our farm winery offers a unique look at the "ins and outs" of Maine farming. We incorporate the modern tools of today with the proven time tested traditions of the past. Our 45 minute guided tour includes a walk out to Maine's most productive vineyard, consisting of 10 different hybrid, cold tolerant grapes located on a hillside where Belted Galloway cattle used to graze. Along the way we'll stop at our 15 acre wild blueberry field. This field has been producing wild blueberries for hundreds of years because wild blueberries aren't planted, you either have them or you don't. Maine is the nation's top producer of wild blueberries. If you're lucky, maybe you can find a few around the edge of the field to try. On our way back to the tasting room keep a look out for our Belted Galloway Cattle grazing in the fields or relaxing under the trees. Some refer to the breed as "Oreo Cookie" cows. Once you see them, you'll know why. Back at the tasting room we'll take a tour of the winery. This is where you will see our processing area, with wine in different stages of maturity. And finally, we will end the tour with a tasting.

Cost/Cover: See Website,


Location Savage Oakes Vineyard & Winery, 175 Barrett Hill Road, Union, ME
~ Picking Starts at 9AM