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Free Workshop: LinkedIn: Focusing Your Efforts for More Impact
Tuesday, April 07, 2020, 09:30am - 12:00pm
Hits : 997
Contact SCORE Augusta, , 207-743-0499

For most small business owners the big question is, "What should I spend my time DOING on LinkedIn?"  If you're like most people in business, you have very limited time and energy to put toward social media, so you could use a few tips and tricks to make LinkedIn a more powerful, efficient tool to support your networking efforts.

In this interactive workshop, Social Media Strategist Abbie McGilvery will provide you with some "magic tricks" and her top 5 tips for focusing your efforts to make the most impact on LinkedIn.  You will walk away with a better understanding of how to navigate the platform, how to grow your network authentically, and how to make better use of your online networking time.

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If you have questions about this workshop or how to register, please contact Susan Kolm of SCORE at  or by calling (207) 743-0499

Location Maine State Library, 230 State Street, Augusta, ME 04330