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Chamber Connect: EIDL and PPP Loans & the Application Process
Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am
Hits : 2339
Contact Kennebec Valley Chamber,

EIDL and PPP Loans & the Application Process FREE Webinar with Amy Bassett, District Director of SBA

About the Speaker
Amy K. Bassett was appointed as district director of SBA’s Maine district office in January of 2017. The district office is located in Augusta, with branch offices in Bangor and Portland.

In her role as district director, Ms. Bassett is responsible for leading the Maine SBA team in the delivery of SBA’s financial assistance, entrepreneurial development and contracting programs throughout the state. Key to the delivery of programs and services is the close collaboration she helps foster with lending partners, SBA resource partners, economic development professionals and local and state entities. These relationships promote entrepreneurship and small business creation and growth.

Ms. Bassett received her bachelor’s degree in business management from Plymouth State College, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She began her career with the SBA in the New Hampshire district office in 1990 and held a variety of positions during her time with that office, including deputy district director and lender relations specialist. During her tenure with SBA she has been involved in key SBA loan program initiatives including loan systems and lender relations staff training and development. She also has an extensive background in SBA resource partner management and development and implementation of marketing and outreach strategies.

She is a graduate of the Partnership for Public Service’s Excellence in Government Fellows Program and was an active member of the NH Federal Executive Association. Ms. Bassett is a native of Sandown, New Hampshire.

Register Here!

There is limited space so register NOW while space is still available! A Zoom conference line will be emailed to attendees prior to each program.
