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Teaching Your Kids to Cook Healthy!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 05:30pm - 07:30pm
Hits : 2356
Contact 207-626-1275

Teaching Your Kids to Cook Healthy 635705848602936909 jpg

Bring your kids along for this hands-on-cooking class where you will learn with your kids about basic cooking skills like the proper tools to use, how to season foods with herbs and spices; what foods are healthiest; and how to include those healthy foods more oftein in your meals and snacks. For children ages 7 -11.

Cost: $10/adult - A child 7-11 can join and adult and register for $5. To obtain this rate for your child, enter discount code CHILD50.

For more information or sign up visit website and click on "Search All Classes & Events."

Location Alfond Center for Health, 35 Medical Center Parkway, Augusta, ME