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KHS - "Stories from the KHS Archive: How you can find your own?"
Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 06:30pm
Hits : 2182
Contact Scott Wood, 207-622-7718

The Kennebec Historical Society’s October Public Presentation: Stories from the KHS Archive: How you can find your own?


In some ways a trip to the KHS archive is like an archaeological dig. For one thing, you can find out a lot by just looking on the surface, but to really understand the history of people, places, and times one has to dig deeper. In addition, in digging deeper one needs to be systematic and thorough, always keeping in mind the context of the information you find. This talk is designed as a guide to the contents of the KHS archive; what makes the KHS archive contents different from other archives and museums in the area. It also seeks to explain how one can take control of the digging process and learn about Kennebec County history in depth. It will be illustrated by stories derived from research in the archive. The goal is ultimately to make it possible for more researchers to work effectively and independently at the archive. Follow-up, hands on training for use of the Collections database will be offered for those who are interested.


After a nearly forty year career as a synthetic organic chemist, our speaker Dr. Ernest L. Plummer retired to his current home in Pittston, Maine in 2000. His longtime interest in history and genealogy drew him to the Portland Historic Docent program and specifically to the Tate House museum where he served for three years as a docent and two additional years as the museum’s Executive Director. In 2006, he became active in the archival program at the Kennebec Historical Society putting into practice what he learned in the Maine State Archives archival workshop. He has served as the society’s archivist ever since. He has also served as the Collections Committee chair, as the society’s vice president and is the current KHS president. Since 2006, he has been a member of the KHS Board of Directors. Ernie has been an active avocational archaeologist participating in the Topper Paleoindian dig in South Carolina for over ten years and in Maine historical and Native American field schools.

The Kennebec Historical Society Public Presentation will take place on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, at 6:30 p.m at the Augusta City Center, 16 Cony Street in Augusta.

Location Augusta City Center, 16 Cony Street, Augusta,Me